So after a week and a half of sitting around here trying to fill up my time I found out today that I got a job! I will be working at Value City furnature starting tomorrow morning. I'm pretty happy about it because it was the first place I applied, talk about lucky :).
Tim also seems to be doing really well in his classes, he is keeping busy and such. From what I have seen it hasn't been extremely bad homework wise because he is in class long enough that he gets most of his work done before he leaves school which is nice. Right now he is doing a project that he has to go around town and take pictures of every letter of the alphabet from signs and stuff like that. It has been pretty fun to see some new things while we find all the letters.
Tim also found out that the university has a golf course that they own we went there today and hit some balls at the range, it was nice, super hot though! Because he is a grad student he gets a year membership for $25 and I get in for $10 when I want to go with him, pretty good deal if you ask me.
So when Tim and I moved out here we both made a goal to be more active in our ward and I'm happy to say we have been! Last week I went with the sister missionaries twice to talk with some investigators it was a really great experience. It was mostly really great to be able to look at some of our beliefs in a different perspective it has been a really great growing experience for me.
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