Today (Monday) Tara and I woke up and left Collierville, and subsequently my mission. We drove up through Nashville and then turned North into Kentucky and drove all the way across that state before arriving in Cincinnati. Before leaving Tennessee, we ate at one more favorite place that I'd forgotten about – Backyard Burger. They have the most amazing burgers ever, they make Carl's Jr.'s good burgers seem like a Wendy's Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger (yes, that is a slam on Wendy's).
The drive to Cincy was about eight hours long, and more or less uneventful. We drove through a pretty good storm system for about 30 minutes, but nothing too scary. . . though, it did freak Tara out when I told her it looked like it could be Tornado weather (which it did)! ;-) Other than that, we just listened to an audio book on CD – The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, by Stephen King – and enjoyed the ride.
We rolled into Ohio about 9 p.m., but we lost another hour as we transferred into the Eastern Time Zone. Hopefully I'll get adapted to that before school starts on July 6. Speaking of being on Eastern Time, it's now midnight and we've got another day of driving ahead tomorrow, so I'm going to go ahead and sign off.
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