Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A Little Update

So it has been a while since our last update, time is just flying by. At this rate we should have at least one more blog before we have our baby! Here are some of the things you have missed:


Most of the month was just the norm, Tim going to school and me working. For Halloween we dressed up as vampires, that was pretty fun. Tim purchased some red contacts for us online and we went all out. We were so great that we won an award at one of the parties we went to that night. Yep thats right I said one of the parties, we went to two. What can I say, we are party animals.


November went really quickly for me, almost as quickly as October. It was like it just started when Thanksgiving snuck up on us. Tim and I hosted Thanksgiving this year not to toot my own horn or anything but it turned out pretty great. We had four couples from our ward, two two year olds, two elders, and a pair of neighbors. Needless to say our small apartment was crowded.

I would like to say that I was such a great host that I made all of dinner but lets be honest that would have been way to stressful. We did a pot luck for the food and it turned out wonderful. We had everyone bring their favorite dessert along with the food they were assigned. We ended up with nine fantastic pies, four of which were made by Tim. He found a new recipe for sweet potato pie the other day at the doctors office. He stole the recipe from the magazine it was in and I'm not gonna lie I'm glad he did it, it was a wonderful pie. The others he made were also wonderful, he made lemon meringue and coconut creme for the first time and he rounded it out with his pecan that he loves to make. All in all dinner was wonderful and the company was great as well.

We rounded out November with our doctors appointment where we found out what brand of baby we are having. We are super excited about it and we are also enjoying keeping our family members in the dark about it until Christmas. We were told that baby T is now about 14 oz and is right on track growth wise. We saw two arms and two legs and at least five fingers when he/she waved at us in the ultrasound. We were able to video the whole thing and are very excited to show it to our families when we get to come home for Christmas. Lately I am able to feel movement every day and Tim has even been able to feel some baby wiggles, we are having a lot of fun with this whole thing and cant wait til baby comes out into the world.

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